Thursday, March 1, 2012

It's all about how you roll with it

So as most of you know my family has just grown by one! we had the arrival of our handsome son Teagan Joseph Wong on Sunday Feb 18th. With this comes something that i have not done in about 4 and half years, changing diapers, hearing cries, and sleepless nights.

Sleepless nights, are where it hurts the most. right now Teagan seems to have his day's and night backwards, which means i'm up with him till 12 or 1 in the morning, and then again at 3 or 4 while mom tries to get some sleep, and then try to get up for work and make it in time for 9 am. Or on the B day's for Trinity school, try to make sure that she is up dressed, lunch is ready, and she's had breakfast to get her to school for 8:45!

So where am i going with i wish that i never had children NOT AT ALL, nothing in this world is better then when you are having a bad day, or get home from work, and your daughter or son give you a big hug, or you get to hold your new born in your arm while they stair at you with out a care in the world.

I have grown so much respect those athletes who have children and are racing at such a high caliber. I know how hard it is to have kids (especially newborns) and try to have time to train, or have energy to train, and have time on your bike.

I give so much credit to my wife Kristen, her support and understand with me being in this sport of cycling is what allows be to keep going, she understand my passion for cycling. she really is the back bone for me being where i am in cycling. i think that any cyclist with children would agree that if they didn't' have such a supporting spouse/or parent to help them they would never be where they are today.

So how do you move forward when life changes, you role with it. you make changes, i've learned over the years not to be scared by change but accept change and adapt to it, and if you do that you will always be a winner.

Baby Teagan Joseph Wong

Mommy, Trinity, and Teagan.

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