Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Life Update

Alot has happened since the last time i have blogged, i have been slacking in reporting life!! "Training" has began and is going somewhat good!! tried to race the Ontario Cup #1, and relized that i still have problems with my Chest. been taking care of that all week, and focusing on that when i am training. Raced the O-Cup #2 at Woodnewton, and felt good came in 11th which i normally wouldn't of been happy with any other year, but given that i haven't been training i'm quite happy with the result, and more the fact that my chest felt good and my legs felt good as well.

Here is a bunch of pictures of what has been going on as of lately...

Samples Sent from the States could be trouble if we start carrying these!!
Still Building up my 2012 Trek Top Fuel 9.9SSL
i'm hoping for 20lbs once built.

 Massive garage sale, with a crazy amount of kids clothing!!!
 O-Cup #1 Prizes Donated by Garden Fresh, look forward to doing more of these
New Hummus Coming your way...

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